

“Bill Clinics” are trying to educate residents how to save money and electricity

At libraries and community centers across Illinois, the nonprofit Citizens Utility Board holds clinics to help people understand their energy bills and find ways to save money and electricity.

Moskowitz: “We found that the opportunity to just sit down with folks one on one and answer all of their questions was very valuable for the average consumer.”

That’s managing outreach director Sarah Moskowitz. She says as utilities modernize the electric grid and add more renewables, they’re offering customers a growing number of incentives, pricing options and programs.

Moskowitz: “If we see somebody’s usage is a little higher than what we would expect for a house of their size, maybe we can sign them up right there for an efficiency program.”

The clinics also help connect people with renewables.

Moskowitz: “Here in Illinois we’ve had some really great clean energy legislation pass, and so that has given rise to a lot of incentives for getting solar installed on your house, and a lot of people don’t even know about these new incentives.”

She says no matter where you live, it’s worth reading your utility bills closely.

Moskowitz: “Educate yourself about the programs that are available.”

… because that can help you save energy and money.