Residents in Massachusetts who use National Grid as their electricity supplier have seen their electricity rates increase 34% since last month. The fixed rate through October was 9.432 cents/kWh but that jumped to 12.673 cents/kWh starting November 1st. For the variable rate, the increase began on November 1st with a small increase from 10.261 cents/kWh to 10.457 cents/kWh. However, in December that will jump over a cent per kWh and continue up to 14.757 cents/kWh.
You can lock in your new rate with a number of different retail energy suppliers and avoid any further increases from National Grid. At, we make it easy to search your area for the best electric rates. We also provide you information on Massachusetts energy sources, usage and solar energy potential. By acting now, you can lock in a new rate from a reputable independent retail provider and save some money in the process.