

Check Out This Innovative Way to Clean Wind Turbines

Wind turbine owners are constantly looking for ways to increase output, reduce expenses, and make more money from their spinning assets. One of the ways to increase efficiency is regular cleaning of the wind turbine blades. The blades can build up dirt, debris, and ice which can slow the rotation of the blade.

Cleaning wind turbines typically requires a maintenance crew climbing 100+ feet and manually wiping the blades clean. This process is expensive and extremely dangerous as crew members are one mistake away from falling a long way to the ground. However, check out this innovative way to clean turbine blades.

A post shared by Wine_Turbines (@wine_turbines) on Feb 22, 2018 at 12:04am PST

Who says drones are only good for taking pictures? With some cleaning solution and a sprayer, this drone can clean wind turbine blades faster and more safely than any maintenance crew. This is just another innovative way the renewable energy industry is cutting costs and becoming more efficient.