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Location: Arlington, TX 76001

Arlington is a principal city in Texas. It is located about 12 miles away from Fort Worth and 20 miles away from Dallas. It has a population of 359,577 residents as of the 2010 US census making it the seventh most populated city in Texas. Arlington residents and businesses have had energy deregulation since 1999 when Texas passed Senate Bill 7 which effectively broke apart most of the state’s public utilities. This left parts of Texas deregulated and other parts still regulated under the utility. For more information on the Arlington energy profile and current electricity rates, see the graphs below.

Usage for Arlington, Texas (76001)

Monthly average household energy usage in TX compared to the national average.

Solar Score for Arlington, TX 76001

Arlington, TX Solar Score: 67

The Solar Score represents how good of a candidate you are for a home solar installation. We take into account a combination of factors specific to your area. Using these factors, we can determine how long it would take for a home solar installation to pay for itself. has received a solar score of . Below is a description for each area of the graph:

    • Red = “Not Viable” meaning a solar installation would not be cost-effective.
    • Yellow = “Viable” meaning a solar installation would pay for itself over time.
    • Green = “Very Viable” meaning a solar installation would pay for itself quickly and has large savings potential.

Sources for Arlington, TX 76001

Texas produces energy from a variety of sources. Here are the state’s current energy sources and energy production trends.

  • Texas leads the nation in producing crude oil, natural gas, and overall energy production
  • Texas has 29 oil refineries that can produce over 5 million barrels of crude oil per day
  • TX leads the nation in natural gas production and hold 25% of all the natural gas reserves in the US
  • A rapidly growing wind energy initiative in TX has resulted in in 18,500 mW of installed capacity


Looking for a specific city in Texas? Check out our featured cities below for more specific energy usage information.


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